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1 800
modern combines
and tractors

450 000 ha
Total acreage
under Avangard-Agro management




Satellite communications

All of our enterprises, even the most remote ones, are equipped with satellite communications devices so as to provide access to the telephone network and the Internet.
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GPS devices

The entire fleet of vehicles is equipped with GPS devices, allowing specialists from Moscow to keep track of our machines and calculate the optimal travel routes.
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Parts accounting

More than a million parts are acquired annually, each of which has its own part number, by which one can trace its entire history, from ordering and acquisition up to installation.
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Parts control

Our information bases accumulate complete information about  all operations to install and replace parts in all units of equipment.
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Automatic refueling

The fueling station obtains data from fuel gauges installed on equipment and accurately dispenses the amount of fuel required to complete operations.
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Fuel gauges

Each motorized piece of equipment is equipped with fuel consumption control gauges, determining the required volume of fuel required according to the type of operation to be completed.
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Use of active readers

Garages recognize a combine or truck and immediately following loading and unloading operations transmit information about the volume of offloaded grain to the database, with an accuracy to one kilogram.
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Observation of agro technology

Constant monitoring of the condition of fields and crops being cultivated guarantees timely application of measures to fight weeds and pests.
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Phenological studies

Phenological observations in combination with analysis of weather conditions allow prompt use of means of protection against chemical agents.
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Soil analysis

We regularly take soil samples for agrochemical analysis, which we conduct in our own laboratories, and we use the results for planning fertilization campaigns.
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Photo observation

Our agronomists take weekly photo survey of the fields, thus continuously monitoring all stages of growth.
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Weather observations

Weather stations gather information hourly about the temperature of air and soil, humidity, the quantity and intensity of precipitation, and wind speed, which allows us to make highly accurate forecasts.
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Agrochemicals application control

The systematic collection of information about all stages of fertilizer application and processing with means of plant protection against chemical agents allow us to determine accurately what exactly has been applied to each of our fields.
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Information openness

We're ready to provide our customers with detailed information about each product batch — from the field where it was harvested to the grain hopper where it was stored.
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Record keeping for farming machinery

For each individual product batch, we keep records of the movements and actions of all machinery involved in its production.
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Test threshing

Regular controlled threshing guarantees accuracy of harvest indicators and grain quality, and prevents unintentional mixing of harvests of different qualities.
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Laboratory analyses

Before we combine grain into a single lot we conduct laboratory analyses, so that only grain with identical characteristics finds its way into a given lot.
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Compliance warranty

The technologies deployed allow us to comply with all the client's requirements — from the specifications of the fertilisers used to the selection of products according to the selected specifications.
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Export of malting barley and malt

In all the history of barley export from Russia we were the first to supply high-quality barley to Germany as the raw stock for German breweries.

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The best varieties and hybrids

We grow agricultural crops using a top-of-the-line selection of domestic and imported seeds as well as seeds from our own seed factories.
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